Project Description

Quantum Speed Reading (QSR)

  • This is the enhancement programme after ESP.
  • Here the ultra-fast reading & perceiving ability of the child is enhanced.
  • Child is able to understand the process of activation of images in the brain & is able to see clear images & process them just like watching a movie


  • Easy Access to its subconscious
  • Build positive character & change in habits
  • High retention
  • Super speed reading
  • Accelerate learning
  • Increase in concentration.
  • Activate photographic memory
  • Promote high speed reading
  • Make early learning fun for both children and parents.
  • Develop the multiple intelligences that are now essential requisites to excel in the new millennium.
  • Helps to read and memorize a paragraph at once and no need to do revisions. (Note: To achieve this you need to do practice every day)